Mercurial Story is a free platform game. Mercurial is the name and physics in the game. In this puzzling world of upside-down platforms, wacky gravity, and spiked holes, you'll be forced to test your skills, luck, and wits against the physics of the game itself. In this world, everything is constantly changing and you can't be too sure which side is up and which is down and who you even are as you run, jump, dodge and flip the switches needed to fix gravity itself. Mercurial Story is a puzzle in which the very laws of gravity are always suspect and open to questioning. Each level features bottomless pits, endless skies, and spikes everywhere that you'll need to successfully navigate if you want to reach the end of the game. This game also tells a story, so if you want to see how everything turns out for your hero and how it fits in the end, you'll have to sit down, sharpen your skills and grit your teeth as you run, jump, dodge the very laws of nature... Welcome to Mercurial Story: we hope you survive the experience.INSTRUCTIONS
On a desktop computer, use the arrow keys and the space bar to run and jump. You can also interact with in-game elements to flip switches that will change the difficulty of the game.